[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/zengargoyle/Text-Fortune.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/zengargoyle/Text-Fortune) NAME ==== Text::Fortune - print a random adage, fortune(6), strfile(1) SYNOPSIS ======== use Text::Fortune; # Random fortune from 'fortunefile' & 'fortunefile.dat' -- fortune(6) my $fortune = Text::Fortune::File.new( path => $fortunefile ); say $fortune.random; # Generate 'fortunefile.dat' from 'fortunefile' -- strfile(1) my $datfile = $fortunefile ~ '.dat'; $datafile.IO.open(:w).write( Text::Fortune::Index.new.load-fortune( $fortunefile.IO.path ) ); DESCRIPTION =========== Text::Fortune is a minimal implementation for implementing the fortune(6) and strfile(1) progams, with functions for generating a 'fortunes.dat' file from a 'fortunes' file (strfile(1)) and for retrieving a random fortune (fortune(6)). COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE ===================== Copyright 2015 zengargoyle This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.