Test::Builder ============= This is a flexible framework for building TAP test libraries. It provides the basic "building blocks" and generic functionality needed for building your own application-specific TAP test libraries. Source Code =========== The source code for Test::Builder is available at . To obtain a local copy of the source code, run: git clone git://github.com/soh-cah-toa/p6-test-builder.git p6-test-builder Installation ============ Once you've obtained a copy of the source code, run: ufo # Creates Makefile make # Builds module make test # Runs test suite make install # Installs to ~/.perl6/lib If you wish to remove the files generated during the build/install process, run: make clean # Removes generated files make distclean # 'make clean' and removes Makefile Feedback ======== If you experience a bug, error, or just want to make a suggestion, there a several ways to get in contact with me. Email: You may send an email to . If it's about a bug, please give a detailed description of what caused it, preferably with the exact output. IRC: I can be found regularly lurking around #parrot on irc.perl.org and #perl6 on irc.freenode.net where I go under the nickname "soh_cah_toa". GitHub: You may send a private message to soh-cah-toa (note the hyphens) if you have a GitHub account. If you know how to fix the problem you encountered, consider sending a patch (via 'git diff') or forking a clone on GitHub and submitting a Pull Request. Author ====== Kevin Polulak Email: kpolulak@gmail.com IRC: soh_cah_toa Copyright and License ===================== Copyright (C) 2011, Kevin Polulak . This program is distributed under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0. For further information, please see LICENSE or visit .