## Terminal::WCWidth A Perl 6 port of [this module](https://github.com/jquast/wcwidth). ### Usage `wcwidth` takes a single *codepoint* and outputs its width: wcwidth(0x3042) # "あ" - returns 2 Returns: * `-1` for a control character * `0` for a character that does not advance the cursor (NULL or combining) * `1` for most characters * `2` for full width characters `wcswidth` takes a *string* and outputs its total width: wcswidth("*ウルヰ*") # returns 8 = 2 + 6 Returns -1 if any control characters are found. Unlike the Python version, this module does not support getting the width of only the first `n` characters of a string, as you can use the `substr` method. ### Acknowledgements Thanks to Jeff Quast (jquast), the author of the [Python module](https://github.com/jquast/wcwidth), which in turn is based on the C library by Markus Kuhn.