## Selenium::WebDriver [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/azawawi/perl6-selenium-webdriver.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/azawawi/perl6-selenium-webdriver) This module provides the [Perl 6](http://perl6.org) bindings for the [Selenium WebDriver Wire Protocol](https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/JsonWireProtocol). ***Note:*** This module is a work in progress. Please see its project status [here](https://github.com/azawawi/perl6-selenium-webdriver/blob/master/README.md#project-status). ## Example ```Perl6 use Selenium::WebDriver::PhantomJS; my $driver = Selenium::WebDriver::PhantomJS.new; $driver.url("http://google.com"); say "Title: " ~ $driver.title; say "URL: " ~ $driver.url; say "Source length: " ~ $driver.source.chars; $driver.save_screenshot('test.png'); $driver.quit; ``` For more examples, please see the [examples](examples) folder. ## PhantomJS Installation ### Linux/Debian To install phantomjs on debian, please type the following: ``` $ sudo apt-get install phantomjs ``` **CAUTION**: Also there are [prebuilt binaries]( https://bitbucket.org/ariya/phantomjs/downloads) for PhantomJS for Linux if the packaged version is a bit old. ### Windows To install phantomjs on windows, please download a copy from http://phantomjs.org/ and then make it available in your PATH environment variable. ### Travis CI Travis CI comes with [pre-installed PhantomJS]( http://docs.travis-ci.com/user/gui-and-headless-browsers/#Using-PhantomJS). No special instructions are needed. ## Project Status | Web Driver | Status | | ------------- | ------------- | | PhantomJS | **DONE** but needs more tests | | Firefox | **DONE** | | Chrome | **DONE** but needs external [chromedriver](https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/) | | Safari | Pending | | Opera | Pending | | MSIE | Pending | | MSEdge | Pending | ## Installation To install it using Panda (a module management tool bundled with Rakudo Star): ``` $ panda update $ panda install Selenium::WebDriver ``` ## Testing To run tests: ``` $ prove -e perl6 ``` ## Author Ahmad M. Zawawi, azawawi on #perl6, https://github.com/azawawi/ ## License Artistic License 2.0