# Rakudo::Perl6::Tracer Trace Perl6 code. Known limitations: if there is a `BEGIN`, there will not be any formatting. Also, if classes are imported from nqp. ## Usage use Rakudo::Perl6::Tracer; my $f = Rakudo::Perl6::Tracer.new(); # create a new object say $f.trace({},$content); # trace the content The returned program code will contain tracing statements beside the original code. If you run the traced code, you will see what lines were executed. ## Command line access $ perl6 trace.p6 -h $ perl6 trace.p6 traced.p6 $ perl6 trace.p6 -sl traced.p6 ## Example Example of traced code, note statements are inserted by `trace.p6`: sub dump_node($node) { note "line 19";say "matched"; note "line 20";if ($node) { note "line 21";say "reg $node"~$node; note "line 22";} note "line 23";} OR example trace log with -sl line 1 my @Depindex; line 2 my @Depthis; line 3 my @Depon; line 4 my @Depend; line 5 my @Bot; line 7 my $debug = False; line 215 my %h; line 216 my %g; line 217 %h = 1; line 218 %g = 2; line 219 %h = '1'; line 220 %g = '2'; line 222 my %j = ( "itemid", 3, "name", 3 ); line 223 my %j4 = ( "itemid", 4, "name", 4 );