# Printing::Jdf # This is a module for parsing Adobe Job Definition Format files that use Kodak's SSi extensions. ## Example ## my $xml = slurp('/path/to/file.jdf'); my $jdf = Printing::Jdf.new($xml); See the [imposition.pl6](imposition.pl6) script for an example of using this module to list the templates, adjustments and page details from a JDF file. ## Documentation ## ### Printing::Jdf ### #### .Auditpool #### Returns a Printing::Jdf::AuditPool object for the provided JDF file #### .ResourcePool #### Returns a Printing::Jdf::ResourcePool object for the provided JDF file #### ::mm (Str, Int, Rat) --> Int #### Converts Pts to Millimetres, rounded to the closest millimetre ### Printing::Jdf::AuditPool ### #### .Created #### Returns a Hash with the following keys: AgentName => the name of the generator used to create the JDF file AgentVersion => the version of the generator TimeStamp => object representing the date the file was created ### Printing::Jdf::ResourcePool ### #### .ColorantOrder #### Returns a List of Strings of the names of the colours in the document #### .Layout #### Returns a Hash with the following keys: Bleed => the amount of bleed used in the document, in millimetres PageAdjustments => a Hash representing the page offsets Odd => odd page offsets X => horizontal offset Y => vertical offset Even => even page offsets X => horizontal offset Y => vertical offset Signatures => an array of the Signatures in the document Each Signature is a Hash containing the following keys: Name => the name of the signature PressRun => the number of the press run Template => an IO::Path object of the template file #### .Runlist #### Returns an Array of Hashes representing each page in the runlist Run => the run number of the page Page => the page number Url => a IO::Path object for the file Centered => a Bool that is True if the page is centered CenterOffset => a Hash of the page offsets of a centered page see Layout Offsets => a Hash of the page offsets in millimetres see Layout Scaling => a Hash with the keys and representing the scaling percentage of the page IsBlank => a Bool that is True if the page is blank ## License ## This module is licensed under the terms of the ISC License. Adobe, Kodak, Preps and Creo are trademarks of their respective owners.