=pod =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Pod::PerlTricks - Perl 6 parser for PerlTricks pseudopod with to-HTML and to-JSON serializers =head1 SYNOPSIS use Pod::PerlTricks::Grammar; use Pod::PerlTricks::ToHTML; my $actions = Pod::PerlTricks::ToHTML.new; my $match = Pod::PerlTricks::Grammar.parsefile('example.pod', :$actions); my $html = $match.made; my $html_head = $actions.head; my $html_body = $actions.body; =head1 DESCRIPTION C extends ordinary L with new syntax for blogging / publishing. C supports all of regular pod, plus new directives. It comes with action classes for converting PerlTricks pod to HTML (C) and to JSON (C) with the document body serialized as HTML and the meta attributes in key value pairs (mostly for use with AngularJS). If you're just interested in parsing normal pod syntax, take a look at L. It can translate pod into both HTML and Markdown. =head2 new command blocks =head3 include filepath The C<=include> directive takes a filepath to one or more pod files. When an action class parses C<=include> it will open and parse each referenced pod file. The files can contain inline pod too. This is useful if you have boilerplate text you want t include in every pod file, (like author details) but don't want to type out every time. =include L Or maybe you want to make a manifest of pod files: =include L L L L L L L L L This file will be processed into a single match object containing all of the pod content from the files. The links can be separated by vertical or horizontal whitespace. =head3 =author-name, author-bio, author-image The C<=author-*> command directives are to represent author details. =author-name Jane Smith =author-bio Jane Smith is a professional programmer with 12 years of experience, specializing in acme code ... =author-image path/to/j_smith.jpg =head3 tags C<=tags> accepts a horizontal whitespace-separated list of tags to be used as metadata =tags programming perl io =head3 image, cover-image Both C<=image> and C<=cover-image> are intended to include images, the only difference between them is C<=cover-image> is supposed to denote the primary image for the article, whereas C<=image> represents an image inline in the article. =image L =cover-image L =head3 table C<=table> indicates the start of a pipe-separated table. The directive must be followed by a blank line, and then the table itself. The first row is the header row. The table is terminted by a blank line. =table | Team | Score | | The Farmers | 54 | | Timeout United | 21 | The whitespace around the pipes is optional and will not be associated with the text in the cell. =head3 begin data, terminal & code C supports 3 new types of begin/end blocks: =over 4 =item * data - this is meant to represent data =item * terminal - for terminal output, commands etc =item * code - for programming code =back So you can do: =begin code use Some::Lib; my $foo = Bar.new(); =end code And get
use Some::Lib;

  my $foo = Bar.new();
C and C add a matching class attribute to the C
 tag, e.g.


=head3 chapter, title, subtitle, section

These are document metadata directives, e.g.:

  =title 5 Ways to Optimize Your Code

For C This will be rendered in a div node with the class attribute C, and added to the head node. For C<Pod::PerlTricks::ToJSON> article metadata directives are included as a key/pair value in the head key, but not rendered in the body. There is nothing special about these directives except C<=chapter> increments the chapter count, and flushes the footnotes cache.

=head3 publish-date

C<=publish-date> takes an ISO8601 datetime, with an optional timezone component. This can be used to determine when an article "goes live" on a blog site, and is also just useful metadata.

  =publish-date 2015-09-30T18:00:00

=head3 lang

Specify the language that the article is written in. In C<Pod::PerlTricks::ToHTML> this is added to the root HTML node.

=head2 New formatting codes

=head3 DE<lt>dataE<gt>, TE<lt>terminalE<gt>

D stands for data, and T for terminal to complement the CE<lt>E<gt> formatting code. These should be styled accordingly (monospaced font, possibly colored background).

=head3 GE<lt>github/repoE<gt>

G stands for GitHub. It builds a hyperlink to a Github repo or user page:



  <a href="https://github.com/dnmfarrell/Pod-PerlTricks">Pod-PerlTricks</a>




  <a href="https://github.com/dnmfarrell">dnmfarrell</a>

=head3 #E<lt>hashtagE<gt>, @E<lt>handleE<gt>

# is for hashtag. This builds a hashtag search to Twitter. @ is for Twitter handle, and links to a particular user's Twitter feed.

=head3 NE<lt>noteE<gt>

N is for footnote or notation. The text inside the angle brackets should be formatted as a footnote in the article, with a link to the footnote created inplace of the formatting code. Footnotes are per chapter - if there are none / one C<=chapter> directives, all footnotes will appear at the bottom of the document.

  Some important fact N<Smith & Smith 2015 Oxford Press>


  <p>Some important fact<sup><a href="#1">1</a></sup></p>

And later ...

  <div class="footnotes">
      <li id="1">[1] Smith & Smith 2015 Oxford Press</li>

=head3 WE<lt>wikipedia entryE<gt>

W is for Wikipedia. The text should be replaced with a link to Wikipedia search for the content.



  <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/Perl">Perl</a>

=head1 AUTHOR

David Farrell E<copy> 2015

=head1 LICENSE