=encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Pod::Perl5 - a parser for Perl 5 pod written in Perl 6 with HTML and Markdown serialization =head1 VERSION 0.18 =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a Perl 6 module for parsing Perl 5 pod. The grammar for this module lives at C. The parser can parse inline pod and standalone F<*.pod> files and supports all pod syntax. It also comes with a pod-to-html and pod-to-markdown action classes for (C, C). =head1 SYNOPSIS use Pod::Perl5; my $match_from_string = Pod::Perl5::parse-string($pod); my $match_from_file = Pod::Perl5::parse-file('/some.pod'); my $html_from_string = Pod::Perl5::string-to-html($pod); my $html_from_file = Pod::Perl5::file-to-html('/some.pod'); my $html_from_string = Pod::Perl5::string-to-markdown($pod); my $html_from_file = Pod::Perl5::file-to-markdown('/some.pod'); =head2 INSTALL Requires panda and Perl 6: $ panda install Pod::Perl5 =head1 TESTING The parser has a decent test suite. You'll need Perl 5 and Perl 6 installed to run it with C $ prove --exec perl6 -r Or run individual test files with C: $ perl6 t/Perl5.5 =head1 AUTHOR David Farrell E 2015 =head1 LICENSE FreeBSD, see LICENSE file =head1 SEE ALSO =over 4 =item * perlpod L =item * PerlTricks L on this module =item * L - a Perl 5 module that uses grammars and action classes like Perl 6 =back