#```feq``` Operator Provides ```feq``` operator for clean fuzzy string comparisons. Includes a precanned wrapper for Text::Levenshtein::Damerau (the wrapper uses just the Levenshtein algorithm by default) #Usage ##Out of the Box™ ```perl6 use Operator::feq; if '1234567890' feq '1234567899' { 'I\'m here!'.say; } if '12345' feq '123' { 'I don\'t get here'.say; } #outputs: #I'm here! ``` See the tests for an example of how to extend/create custom comparison routines. #Configuration ##```$*FEQLIB``` Defaults: ```Text::Levenshtein::Damerau``` Set this dynamic variable to control which library 'feq' uses ##```$*FEQTHRESHOLD``` Defaults: ```0.10``` # 10% Set this dynamic variable to control the threshold for the matching. Setting this variable to 0 will always cause ```feq``` to return ```False```. Conversely, a value of ```1``` will always return ```True```. #Credit Cards [@tony-o](https://www.gittip.com/tony-o/) Nick Logan \