Runge-Kutta integration for systems of ordinary, linear differential equations. WARNING: this module is not yet thoroughly tested. Use it at your own risk. Bug reports, tests and patches are welcome! Let's say you have a differential equation for the function f(t), with the equation df/dt = f(t)^2 + t and the initial value f(t=0) = 1; In the context of this module, we call df/dt the "derivative", t the "parameter" You'd solve that numerically with this Perl 6 code: # begin use Math::RungeKutta; # function that calculates the derivative that # Math::RungeKutta will integrate sub d($t, @values) { @values[0]**2 + $t} # that's a function that gets called with the # current values after each integration step sub callback($t, @values) { say "$t @values[0]" }; my @initial = 1; adaptive-rk-integrate( :from(0), :to(0.5), :@initial, :derivative(&d), :do(&callback) ); # end And then look at the result: $ PERL6LIB=lib perl6 | xmgrace -nxy - The interfaces is inspired by Perl 5 module Math::RungeKutta, to be found at . [![Build Status](](