MIME::Base64 ============ ## Name ## MIME::Base64 - Encoding and decoding Base64 ASCII strings. A Perl6 implementation of MIME::Base64 ## Description ## Implements encoding and decoding to and from base64. ## Status ## Version 1.1 and later works on latest Rakudo based on nom. For earlier versions of Rakudo based on ng, please use v1.0 (see tag v1.0-ng). ## Example Usage ## use MIME::Base64; my $encoded = MIME::Base64.encode-str("xyzzy‽"); my $decoded = MIME::Base64.decode-str($encoded); or use MIME::Base64; my $encoded = MIME::Base64.encode($blob); my $decoded-buf = MIME::Base64.decode($encoded); ## Methods ## ### `encode(Blob $data, :$oneline --> Str)` Encodeѕ binary data `$data` in base64 format. By default, the output is wrapped every 76 characters. If `:$oneline` is set, wrapping will be disabled. ### `decode(Str $encoded --> Buf)` Decodes base64 encoded data into a binary buffer. ### `encode-str(Str $string, :$oneline --> Str)` Encodes `$string` into base64, assuming utf8 encoding. (Ιnternally calls `.encode($string.encode('utf8'))` ) ### `decode-str(Str $encoded --> Str)` Decodes `$encoded` into a string, assuming utf8 encoding. (Internally calls `.decode($encoded).decode('utf8')` ) ## Compatibility Methods ## ### `encode_base64(Str $string --> Str)` Calls `.encode-str($string)` ### `decode_base64(Str $encoded --> Str)` Calls `.decode-str($encoded)` ### `MIME::Base64::Perl` Pure Perl 6 implementation of base64 encoding. ## Known Issues ## The previous precompilation issue has been fixed. The master branch should now be usable for all backends. ## LICENSE and COPYRIGHT ## Use these files at your risk and without warranty. This module may be used under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0. Written by Adrian White.