A fun little REPL for perl6 inspired by Pry, nREPL, and others [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/awwaiid/p6-lrep.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/awwaiid/p6-lrep) ## EXAMPLE Demo program: use LREP; sub hmm { my $x = "hello"; LREP::here; say $x; } hmm; Then when you run it you get a prompt. You can look at local vars and change them. "^D" to continue. > $x hello > $x = "bye" bye > ^D bye ## TODO / IDEAS * Middleware / Plugins * Make adding plugins easy. Middleware == Plugins! * Make plugins powerful -- build off of each other, declarative help * Make everything a plugin * Extract middleware into separate files * Adopt some middleware-dependency concepts like nREPL has? * Make (optionally) client/server * Hook up a next/step debugger * Steal more from core REPL for tab-complete * Add handy plugins from Pry * ls -- list current context methods, list methods of obj * show-source -- show the source code of something * show-doc -- show the documentation for something * @ / whereami -- show the current surrounding source code * help -- help!