A simple Perl 6 module for serializing and deserializing JSON. use JSON::Tiny; say from-json('{ "a": 42 }').perl; say to-json { a => [1, 2, 'b'] }; All files (unless noted otherwise) can be used, modified and redistributed under the terms of the Artistic License Version 2. Examples (in the documentation, in tests or distributed as separate files) can be considered public domain. To build and test this module, please get 'ufo' from http://github.com/masak/ufo and run: ufo make make test (You would normally be able to install this with panda, but it happens to be one of the prerequisites for panda itself -- so until Rakudo does automatic recompiles, panda will become very confused after completing the install. New, tested versions of this module should be imported into panda's source in ext/JSON__Tiny/, and panda's reboostrap.pl run. On the upside this means that installing panda gives you JSON::Tiny right away.) State: Works. Missing features: * Detection of cycles in input data structures (might never be fixed) Credits Moritz Lenz Johan Viklund Jonathan Worthington