# Image::RGBA::Text [![build status][TRAVISIMG]][TRAVIS] Reads RGBA image data of depth 8 from text files ## Synopsis ``` use Image::RGBA::Text; use Image::PNG::Inflated; my $data := RGBAText.decode('examples/glider.txt'.IO); spurt 'glider.png', to-png |$data.unbox; spurt "{ .info }.png", to-png |.scale.unbox for RGBAText.decode('examples/FEEP.txt'.IO, :all); ``` ## Bugs and Development Development happens [at GitHub][SOURCE]. If you found a bug or have a feature request, use the [issue tracker][ISSUES] over there. ## Copyright and License Copyright (C) 2015 by Distributed under the [Boost Software License, Version 1.0][LICENSE] [TRAVIS]: https://travis-ci.org/cygx/p6-image-rgba-text [TRAVISIMG]: https://travis-ci.org/cygx/p6-image-rgba-text.svg?branch=master [SOURCE]: https://github.com/cygx/p6-image-rgba-text [ISSUES]: https://github.com/cygx/p6-image-rgba-text/issues [LICENSE]: http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt