Hydrate ======= Hydrate is a small module to "hydrate" (ORM speak) your object hierarchy, from a bunch of hashes. Example: ```perl6 use Hydrate; my class Mes { has Int $.height; has Int $.width; } my class Cont { has Str $.name is required; has Mes @.mesures; has %.data; # optional } say hydrate(Cont, { name => "Some mesures", mesures => [ {height => 50, width => 50}, {height => 150, width => 75}, {height => 200, width => 200}, ] }) ``` Result: ```perl6 Cont.new( name => "Some mesures", mesures => Array[Mes].new( Mes.new(height => 50, width => 50), Mes.new(height => 150, width => 75), Mes.new(height => 200, width => 200) ), data => {}, ) ```