HTTP::Client -- Perl 6 library for building HTTP Clients ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: This library is going to have a major rewrite coming up shortly. A lot of things will be gutted and overhauled. Stay tuned for more details! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inspired by LWP and HTTP::Client from Perl 5, and LWP::Simple from Perl 6, this is a simple class for building HTTP clients using Perl 6. It's not based on any of those when it comes to API, but instead offers a flexible syntax that's easy to use, and easy to extend. It currently only supports HTTP itself. HTTP+SSL (HTTPS) support is planned for a future version. = Usage = A simple GET request, without an intermetiary Request object: my $client =; my $response = $client.get(''); if ($response.success) { say $response.content; } A more advanced POST application/x-www-form-urlencoded request: my $client =; my $request = $; ## Note we are not setting the URI/URL. $request.url(''); ## The following line creates Request variables called query and mode. ## You could also do $request.set-content('query=libwww-perl&mode=dist'); ## But I think letting the library build your content for you, is nicer. $request.add-field(:query, :mode); my $response = $; ## or $$request); ... A more advanced POST multipart/form-data request: my $client =; my $request = $; $request.url(''); $request.add-field(:id(37271)); $request.add-file( :name("upload"), :filename("file.txt"), :type("text/plain"), :content("hello world...") ); my $response = $; = Notes = As seen above, there is no need to build HTTP::Client::Request objects manually. Just use the appropriate method (get, post, head, put, delete) or use $client.make-request($method); for methods that don't have methods in HTTP::Client (TRACE, OPTIONS, CONNECT, PATCH, DEBUG, etc.) As it's name states, this library is specifically for HTTP Clients. If you want something for building HTTP Servers, see HTTP::Easy. If you want something for Request/Reponse objects for your Web Application, see WWW::App. Full disclosure: I wrote both of those libraries too. Also, there are some weird issues with the IO::Socket::INET library in the current Rakudo nom, which are affecting connecting to outside servers. So the tests in the t/ folder currently depend on the HTTP::Easy library, and in particular, the examples/test.p6 script from HTTP::Easy to be running before you run the tests. = Requirements = * Rakudo Perl 6 * HTTP::Status * MIME::Base64 It should also require: * URI But at the current time, that module is not compiling under "nom" which the rest of this is focused on, so for the time being, I'm using a very limited inline URI grammar instead. = Author = Timothy Totten = License = Artistic License 2.0