File::Temp ========== Create temporary files. This module is loosely based on the Perl 5 module of the same name. Synopsis ======== # Generate a temp file in a temp dir my ($filename,$filehandle) = tempfile; # specify a template for the filename # * are replaced with random characters my ($filename,$filehandle) = tempfile("******"); # Automatically unlink files at end of program (this is the default) my ($filename,$filehandle) = tempfile("******", :unlink); # Specify the directory where the tempfile will be created my ($filename,$filehandle) = tempfile(:tempdir("/path/to/my/dir")); # don't unlink this one my ($filename,$filehandle) = tempfile(:tempdir('.'), :!unlink); # specify a prefix and suffix for the filename my ($filename,$filehandle) = tempfile(:prefix('foo'), :suffix(".txt")); Description =========== This module exports 2 routines: * tempfile * tempdir `tempfile` will create a