# DateTime::TimeZone ## Introduction TimeZone handling for Perl 6. ## Subroutines ### tz-offset(Str $offset-string) --> Int Parses common offset strings and returns an Int value. ### timezone(Str $name, DateTime $datetime?) --> DateTime::TimeZone Returns a TimeZone object representing the zone passed to it. These objects provide an .Int call, so they may be used directly as the :timezone parameter for a DateTime object. This will support any timezone listed in the Olson database. The $datetime is used to calculate the offset depending on Daylight Savings Time rules for the given Time Zone. If $datetime is not passed, it assumes DateTime.now(); ### to-timezone(Str $name, DateTime $datetime) A shortcut for: $datetime.in-timezone(timezone($name, $datetime)); ## TODO This is very much under development, and currently only the tz-offset() subroutine is supported. ## Authors * [Timothy Totten](https://github.com/supernovus/) * [Andrew Egeler](https://github.com/retupmoca/) ## License [Artistic License 2.0](http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0)