# DateTime::Math ## Description Provides to-seconds(), from-seconds(), duration-from-to() and the ability to perform certain math operations on DateTime objects. ```perl use DateTime::Math; ## Given $dt1 and $dt2 are both DateTime objects. my $days = from-seconds($dt2 - $dt1, 'd'); say "The events where $days days apart"; my $target = $dt1 + to-seconds(1, 'M'); say "One month after $dt1 would be $target"; my $hours = duration-from-to(3, 'y', 'h'); say "3 years contains $hours hours."; ``` The math functions allowed are: * Seconds = DateTime + DateTime * Seconds = DateTime - DateTime * DateTime = DateTime + Seconds * DateTime = DateTime - Seconds And comparisons: * DateTime cmp DateTime * DateTime <=> DateTime * DateTime == DateTime * DateTime != DateTime * DateTime <= DateTime * DateTime < DateTime * DateTime >= DateTime * DateTime > DateTime Note that all of the math operations on DateTime objects are using the POSIX time, which is stored as seconds, so it does not support sub-second math at this time. ## Author * [Timothy Totten](https://github.com/supernovus/) ## License [Artistic License 2.0](http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0)