NAME DateTime::Format::W3CDTF - A Perl 6 module to deal with W3CDTF dates. SYNOPSYS use DateTime::Format::W3CDTF; my $w3c =; my DateTime $datetime = $w3c.parse('2012-09-04T11:22:33.5+04:00'); say $w3c.format($datetime); DESCRIPTION A Perl 6 module to deal with W3CDTF dates. METHODS parse(Str $date) of DateTime Parses the string with W3C-formatted date and returns DateTime object. Throws an exception in case of errors. format(DateTime $date) of String Converts DateTime object to the W3C-formatted date string. Throws an exception in case of errors. AUTHOR Alexandr Alexeev, ( COPYRIGHT Copyright 2012 Alexandr Alexeev This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Rakudo Perl 6 itself.