# NAME DateTime::Format::LikeGo - format dates using Go's reference format # SYNOPSIS ```perl6 use DateTime::Format::LikeGo; # Format a date say go-date-format("2006-01-02", DateTime.now); # convert to strftime format: say DateTime::Format::LikeGo::go-to-strftime("2006-01-02"); # %Y-%m-%d ``` # DESCRIPTION A simple module that converts from Golang's "reference time" format to strftime. The intention is for you to specify how a certain datetime would be formatted, and it then can format any date in that style. The reference date is 2006-01-02T15:04:05-0700, which is written as a series of ascending digits, if rearranged, and 3pm is used instead of 15. Inspired by complaints about the Go time format. # FUNCTIONS ## go-date-format(Str $format, DateTime $date) is export returns Str Format the given time according to the provided format string. ## go-to-strftime(Str $format) returns Str Return the strftime version of the go format. # EXCEPTIONS A string exception is thrown if the converted strftime format has any digits left over, which typically indicate a bad input format. # CAVEATS - Timezone support is missing in DateTime::Format, so strings using timezones will fail until it is added. - Not well tested overall. # REQUIREMENTS - Rakudo Perl 6 2014.11 or above. Tested primarily on MoarVM. - DateTime::Format # SEE ALSO http://fuckinggodateformat.com/ - inspiration for this module [Documentation for Go's time package](http://golang.org/pkg/time/)