# DateTime::Format ## Description Provides strftime(), strptime() (coming soon), and a few predetermined formats for use with both. It also comes with some localizations for month and day names. ## Convenience subroutines These are exported by ```use DateTime::Format``` ## strftime (Str $format, DateTime $dt, :$lang) Format the DateTime object using the format as specified in the string. If you don't specify the language, it uses the currently set default. ## strptime (Str $timestamp, Str $format, :$lang) Parse the string using the format as specified in the second string. If you don't specify the language, it uses the currently set default. ## set-datetime-format-lang (Str $code) Set the default language to use. This can be 'en' (the default language), or any language you have added using one of the Localization libraries. ## Formats ### DateTime::Format::RFC2822 Parse or Stringify a DateTime in the RFC 2822 format. ```perl my $ts = 'Tue, 30 Apr 2013 13:02:10 -0700'; my $rfc = DateTime::Format::RFC2822.new(); my $dt = $rfc.parse($ts); my $dt2 = $dt.utc(); say ~$dt2; ## Tue, 30 Apr 2013 20:02:10 Z ``` ## Localizations The default localization is English, using the code 'en'. There is no loadable module for English, since it's strings are included by default in the DateTime::Format module. The following are additional libraries that can add localizations to the DateTime::Format library. The languages will then be immediately usable. * DateTime::Format::Lang::FR -- French ```perl use DateTime::Format::Lang::FR; set-datetime-lang('fr'); ## You can also specify the :lang parameter to the ## strftime(), strptime() subroutines, or the parse() and format() ## methods within a DateTime::Format::* subclass such as RFC2822. ## This overrides the language for a single call, rather than setting ## a default value. ``` ## TODO * Add strptime(). * More bundled formats. * More localizations, and tests for them. ## Authors * [Timothy Totten](https://github.com/supernovus/) * [Carl Mäsak](https://github.com/masak/) * [Kodi Arfer](https://github.com/Kodiologist/) Anyone I'm missing that may have contributed, feel free to contact supernovus, and I'll add you to the credits. ## License [Artistic License 2.0](http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0)