Config::TOML ============ TOML parser for Rakudo Perl 6. Usage ----- ```perl6 use Config::TOML; my $toml_text = slurp 'config.toml'; my %toml = from-toml $toml_text; ``` Advanced Usage -------------- #### Specifying a custom local offset for TOML date values TOML date values can take three different forms: 1. [RFC 3339]( timestamps (`YYYY-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.ffff+zz`) 2. RFC 3339 timestamps with the local offset omitted (`YYYY-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.ffff`) 3. Standard calendar dates (`YYYY-MM-dd`) By default, Config::TOML builds Perl 6 DateTimes from TOML date values that do not include a local offset using the host machine's local offset. To override the default behavior of using the host machine's local offset for date values where the offset is omitted, pass the `date-local-offset` parameter (with an integer value) to `from-toml`: ```perl6 my $cfg = slurp 'config.toml'; # assume UTC when local offset unspecified in TOML dates my %toml = from-toml($cfg, :date-local-offset(0)); ``` To calculate a target timezone's local offset for the `date-local-offset` parameter value, multiply its [UTC offset]( hours by 60, add to this its UTC offset minutes, and multiply the result by 60. Timezone | UTC Offset | Calculation --- | --- | --- Africa/Johannesburg | UTC+02:00 | `((2 * 60) + 0) * 60 = 7200` America/Los_Angeles | UTC-07:00 | `((-7 * 60) + 0) * 60 = -25200` Asia/Seoul | UTC+09:00 | `((9 * 60) + 0) * 60 = 32400` Australia/Sydney | UTC+10:00 | `((10 * 60) + 0) * 60 = 36000` Europe/Berlin | UTC+01:00 | `((1 * 60) + 0) * 60 = 3600` UTC | UTC±00:00 | `((0 * 60) + 0) * 60 = 0` To more easily ascertain your host machine's local offset, open a perl6 repl and print the value of `$*TZ`. Licensing --------- This is free and unencumbered public domain software. For more information, see or the accompanying UNLICENSE file.