# Config::Simple This is a simple module to offer you a simple interface for when you need a configuration file. It support various format. The default file format is a perl6 expression. It main use is for simple configuration file that work like the ini format. It work like a %hash object with additionnal .read and .write method ## Dependancy and installation The module depend on `Data::Dump` for the default format. `Config::INI` for the the ini format `JSON::Pretty`for JSON ## Change the format The `new` and `read` methods take an additionnal argument to specify the format of the config file. It's the `f` parameter. Like `.new(f)` will say to save using the "ini" format. ## Example ```perl my $conf = Config::Simple.new #Provide a default format #my $conf = Config::Simple.new(:f) #if you want to use a ini file; $conf.filename = "myconf.conf"; $conf