This module is the beginning of a set of tools for dealing with ABC music files in Perl 6. The most useful standalone tool here is the abc2ly script, which converts ABC files to Lilypond format, allowing you to create beautiful PDF sheet music. env PERL6LIB=/Users/colomon/tools/ABC/lib: perl6 bin/abc2ly or mono /Users/colomon/tools/niecza/run/Niecza.exe -Ilib bin/abc2ly This will generate the a file which can be fed to Lilypond. If you install the module using panda and your paths are correctly set up, you should be able to simply say abc2ly As of 5/24/2012, the module works on 5/12 (or later) Niecza. It recently worked on the 2/12 Rakudo, but I have made significant changes since then and do not have a copy handy to test it on. It definitely does not work on more recent Rakudos due to a module handling bug.