NAME Prancer - Another PSGI Framework SYNOPSIS Prancer is yet another PSGI framework. This one is designed to be a bit smaller and more out of the way than others but it could probably be described best as project derived from NIH syndrome. Here's how it might be used: ==> myapp.psgi use Prancer; my $app = Prancer->new("/path/to/confdir", "MyApp"); $app->run(); ==> package MyApp; use Prancer::Application qw(:all); use parent qw(Prancer::Application); sub handle { my $self = shift; mount('GET', '/', sub { context->header(set => 'Content-Type', value => 'text/plain'); context->body("hello world"); context->finalize(200); }); return dispatch; } ==> use Prancer qw(:all); Prancer->new("/path/to/confdir"); my $foo = config->get("foo"); config->set("foo", "bar"); INSTALLATION To install this module, run the following commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install If this ever makes it to CPAN you can install it with this simple command: perl -MCPAN -e 'install Prancer' These optional libraries will enhance the functionality of Prancer: DBI Template Plack::Middleware::Session Plack::Middleware::ServerStatus::Lite CREDITS Large portions of this library were taken from the following locations and projects: - HTTP status code documentation taken from Wikipedia. - Prancer::Config is derived directly from Dancer2::Core::Role::Config. Thank you to the Dancer2 team. - Prancer::Request, Prancer::Request::Upload and Prancer::Response are but thin wrappers to and reimplementations of Plack::Request, Plack::Request::Upload and Prancer::Response. Thank you to Tatsuhiko Miyagawa. - Prancer::Session and its components are but thin wrappers to and reimplementations of Plack::Middleware::Session. Thank you again to Tatsuhiko Miyagawa. - Prancer::Database is derived directly from Dancer::Plugin::Database. Thank you to David Precious. COPYRIGHT Copyright 2014 Paul Lockaby. All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.