NAME FFI::Platypus::Lang::CPP - Documentation and tools for using Platypus with the C++ programming language SYNOPSIS C++: // on Linux compile with: g++ --shared -o basic.cpp // elsewhere, consult your C++ compiler documentation class Foo { public: Foo(); ~Foo(); int get_bar(); void set_bar(int); int _size(); private: int bar; }; Foo::Foo() { bar = 0; } Foo::~Foo() { } int Foo::get_bar() { return bar; } void Foo::set_bar(int value) { bar = value; } int Foo::_size() { return sizeof(Foo); } Perl: package Foo; use FFI::Platypus; use FFI::Platypus::Memory qw( malloc free ); my $ffi = FFI::Platypus->new; $ffi->lang('CPP'); $ffi->lib('./'); $ffi->custom_type( Foo => { native_type => 'opaque', perl_to_native => sub { ${ $_[0] } }, native_to_perl => sub { bless \$_[0], 'Foo' }, }); $ffi->attach( [ 'Foo::Foo()' => '_new' ] => ['Foo'] => 'void' ); $ffi->attach( [ 'Foo::~Foo()' => '_DESTROY' ] => ['Foo'] => 'void' ); $ffi->attach( [ 'Foo::get_bar()' => 'get_bar' ] => ['Foo'] => 'int' ); $ffi->attach( [ 'Foo::set_bar(int)' => 'set_bar' ] => ['Foo','int'] => 'void' ); my $size = $ffi->function('Foo::_size()' => [] => 'int')->call; sub new { my($class) = @_; my $ptr = malloc $size; my $self = bless \$ptr, $class; _new($self); $self; } sub DESTROY { my($self) = @_; _DESTROY($self); free($$self); } package main; my $foo = Foo->new; print $foo->get_bar, "\n"; # 0 $foo->set_bar(22); print $foo->get_bar. "\n"; # 22 DESCRIPTION This module provides some hooks for Platypus so that C++ names can be mangled for you. It uses the same primitive types as C. This document also documents issues and caveats that I have discovered in my attempts to work with C++ and FFI. This module is somewhat experimental. It is also available for adoption for anyone either sufficiently knowledgable about C++ or eager enough to learn enough about C++. If you are interested, please send me a pull request or two on the project's GitHub. There are numerous difficulties and caveats involved in using C++ libraries from Perl via FFI. This document is intended to enlighten on that subject. Note that in addition to using pre-compiled C++ libraries you can bundle C++ code with your Perl distribution using Module::Build::FFI. For a complete example, which attempts to address the caveats listed below you can take a look at this sample distro on GitHub: CAVEATS In general I have done my research of FFI and C++ using the Gnu C++ compiler. I have done some testing with clang as well. name mangling C++ names are "mangled" to handle features such as function overloading and the fact that some characters in the C++ names are illegal machine code symbol names. What this means is that the C++ member function Foo::get_bar looks like _ZN3Foo7get_barEv to FFI::Platypus. What makes this even trickier is that different C++ compilers provide different mangling formats. When you use the FFI::Platypus#lang method to tell Platypus that you are intending to use it with C++, like this: $ffi->lang('CPP'); it will mangle the names that you give it. That saves you having to figure out the "real" name for Foo::get_bar. The current implementation uses the c++filt command. It goes though each of the libraries and translates each mangled name back into its C++ name. In the future this module may take a different approach. I am pretty sure that this will not work with all compilers, so in the future different approaches may be taken with different compilers. If the approach to mangling C++ names described above does not work for you, or if it makes you feel slightly queasy, then you can also write C wrapper functions around each C++ method that you want to call from Perl. You can write these wrapper functions right in your C++ code using the extern "C" trick: class Foo { public: int bar() { return 1; } } extern "C" int my_bar(Class *foo) { return foo->bar(); } Then instead of attaching Foo::bar() attach my_bar. $ffi->attach( my_bar => [ 'Foo' ] => 'int' ); constructors, destructors and methods Constructors and destructors are essentially just functions that do not return a value that need to be called when the object is created and when it is no longer needed (respectively). They take a pointer to the object (this) as their first argument. Constructors can take additional arguments, as you might expect they just come after the object itself. Destructors take no arguments other than the object itself (this). You need to alloate the memory needed for the object before you call the constructor and free it after calling the destructor. The tricky bit is figuring out how much memory to allocate. If you have access to the header file that describes the class and a compiler you can compute the size from within C++ and hand it off to Perl using a static method as I did in the "SYNOPSIS" above. Regular methods also take the object pointer as their first argument. Additional arguments follow, and they may or may not return a value. inline functions C++ compilers typically do not emit symbols for inlined functions. If you get a message like this: unable to find Foo::get_bar() at basic line 21 even though you are sure that class has that method, this is probably the problem that you are having. The Gnu C++ compiler, g++ has an option to force it to emit the symbols, even for inlined functions: -fkeep-inline-functions # use this Clang has an option to do the opposite of this: -fvisibility-inlines-hidden # do not use this but unhelpfully not a way to keep inlined functions. At least, as far as I can tell. If you have the source of the C++ and you can recompile it you can also optionally change it to not use inlined functions. In addition to removing any inline keywords from the source, you need to move the implementations of any methods outside of the class body. That is, do not do this: class Foo { public: int bar() { return 1; } # WRONG } Do this: class Foo { public: int bar(); # RIGHT } int Foo::bar() # RIGHT { return 1; } the standard C++ library If you are getting errors like this: unable to find Foo::Foo() that can't be explained by the issues described above, set the environment variable FFI_PLATYPUS_DLERROR to a true value and try again. If you see a warning like this: error loading undefined symbol: __gxx_personality_v0 then you probably need to explicitly link with the standard C++ library. On Linux you can do this by adding -lstdc++ to your linker flags. Other compilers are of course probably different. METHODS Generally you will not use this class directly, instead interacting with the FFI::Platypus instance. However, the public methods used by Platypus are documented here. native_type_map my $hashref = FFI::Platypus::Lang::CPP->native_type_map; This returns a hash reference containing the native aliases for the C++ programming languages. That is the keys are native C++ types and the values are libffi native types. mangler my $mangler = FFI::Platypus::Lang::CPP->mangler($ffi->libs); # prints MyInteger::int_sum(int, int) print $mangler->("_ZN9MyInteger7int_sumEii"); Returns a subroutine reference that will "mangle" C++ names. EXAMPLES See the above "SYNOPSIS" or the examples directory that came with this distribution. SUPPORT If something does not work as advertised, or the way that you think it should, or if you have a feature request, please open an issue on this project's GitHub issue tracker: CONTRIBUTING If you have implemented a new feature or fixed a bug then you may make a pull reequest on this project's GitHub repository: Caution: if you do this too frequently I may nominate you as the new maintainer. Extreme caution: if you like that sort of thing. SEE ALSO FFI::Platypus The Core Platypus documentation. Module::Build::FFI Bundle C or C++ with your FFI / Perl extension. AUTHOR Graham Ollis COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Graham Ollis. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.