NAME Alien::Libarchive - Build and make available libarchive VERSION version 0.23 SYNOPSIS Build.PL use Alien::Libarchive; use Module::Build; my $alien = Alien::Libarchive->new; my $build = Module::Build->new( ... extra_compiler_flags => $alien->cflags, extra_linker_flags => $alien->libs, ... ); $build->create_build_script; Makefile.PL use Alien::Libarchive; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; my $alien = Alien::Libarchive; WriteMakefile( ... CFLAGS => $alien->cflags, LIBS => $alien->libs, ); FFI::Raw use Alien::Libarchive; use FFI::Raw; my($dll) = Alien::Libarchive->new->dlls; FFI::Raw->new($dll, 'archive_read_new', FFI::Raw::ptr); FFI::Sweet use Alien::Libarchive; use FFI::Sweet; ffi_lib( Alien::Libarchive->new->dlls ); attach_function 'archive_read_new', [], _ptr; DESCRIPTION This distribution installs libarchive so that it can be used by other Perl distributions. If already installed for your operating system, and it can be found, this distribution will use the libarchive that comes with your operating system, otherwise it will download it from the Internet, build and install it. If you set the environment variable ALIEN_LIBARCHIVE to 'share', this distribution will ignore any system libarchive found, and build from source instead. This may be desirable if your operating system comes with a very old version of libarchive and an upgrade path for the system libarchive is not possible. Requirements operating system install The development headers and libraries for libarchive Debian On Debian you can install these with this command: % sudo apt-get install libarchive-dev Cygwin On Cygwin, make sure that this package is installed libarchive-devel FreeBSD libarchive comes with FreeBSD as of version 5.3. from source install A C compiler and any prerequisites for building libarchive. Debian On Debian build-essential should be good enough: % sudo apt-get install build-essential Cygwin On Cygwin, I couldn't get libarchive to build without making a minor tweak to one of the include files. On Cygwin this module will patch libarchive before it attempts to build if it is version 3.1.2. METHODS cflags Returns the C compiler flags necessary to build against libarchive. Returns flags as a list in list context and combined into a string in scalar context. libs Returns the library flags necessary to build against libarchive. Returns flags as a list in list context and combined into a string in scalar context. dlls Returns a list of dynamic libraries (usually a list of just one library) that make up libarchive. This can be used for FFI::Raw. Returns just the first dynamic library found in scalar context. version Returns the libarchive version. install_type Returns the install type, one of either system or share. pkg_config_dir Returns a path that contains the libarchive.pc file which can be used by pkg-config for linking against libarchive. pkg_config_name Returns the name by which pkg-config knows libarchive (should always be libarchive). CAVEATS Debian Linux and FreeBSD (9.0) have been tested the most in development of this distribution. Patches to improve portability and platform support would be eagerly appreciated. If you reinstall this distribution, you may need to reinstall any distributions that depend on it as well. SEE ALSO Alien::Libarchive::Installer Archive::Libarchive::XS Archive::Libarchive::FFI Archive::Libarchive::Any Archive::Ar::Libarchive Archive::Peek::Libarchive Archive::Extract::Libarchive YAPC::NA 2014 Foreign Function Interface (FFI) : Never Need to Write XS Again Slides on a talk about FFI and Alien AUTHOR Graham Ollis COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Graham Ollis. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.