NAME Alien::Build::Plugin::Download::GitHub - Alien::Build plugin to download from GitHub VERSION version 0.03 SYNOPSIS use alienfile; ... share { plugin 'Download::GitHub' => ( github_user => 'Perl5-Alien', github_repo => 'dontpanic', ); }; DESCRIPTION This plugin will download releases from GitHub. It is generally preferred over Alien::Build::Plugin::Download::Git for packages that are released on GitHub, as it has much fewer dependencies and is more reliable. PROPERTIES github_user The GitHub user or org that owns the repository. This property is required. github_repo The GitHub repository name. This property is required. version Regular expression that can be used to extract a version from a GitHub tag. The default ( qr/^v?(.*)$/ ) is reasonable for many GitHub repositories. prefer How to sort candidates for selection. This should be one of three types of values: code reference This will be used as the prefer hook. true value (not code reference) Use Alien::Build::Plugin::Prefer::SortVersions. false value Don't set any preference at all. The order returned from GitHub will be used if no other prefer plugins are specified. This may be reasonable for at least some GitHub repositories. This is the default. CAVEATS The GitHub API is rate limited. The unauthenticated API is especially so. This may render this plugin inoperative for a short time after only a little testing. Please see AUTHOR Author: Graham Ollis COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2019 by Graham Ollis. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.