Name Data::Validation - Check data values for conformance with constraints Version 0.2.$Rev: 56 $ Synopsis use Data::Validation; sub check_field { my ($me, $stash, $id, $value) = @_; my $config = { exception => q(Exception::Class), constraints => $stash->{constraints} || {}, fields => $stash->{fields} || {}, filters => $stash->{filters} || {} }; my $dv = eval { Data::Validation->new( %{ $config } ) }; $me->throw( $EVAL_ERROR ) if ($EVAL_ERROR); return $dv->check_field( $id, $value ); } sub check_form { my ($me, $stash, $form) = @_; my $config = { exception => q(Exception::Class), constraints => $stash->{constraints} || {}, fields => $stash->{fields} || {}, filters => $stash->{filters} || {} }; my $dv = eval { Data::Validation->new( %{ $config } ) }; $me->throw( $EVAL_ERROR ) if ($EVAL_ERROR); return $dv->check_form( $stash->{form_prefix}, $form ); } Description This module implements filters and common constraints in builtin methods and uses a factory pattern to implement an extensible list of external filters and constraints Data values are filtered first before testing against the constraints. The filtered data values are returned if they conform to the constraints, otherwise an exception is thrown Configuration and Environment The following are passed to the constructor exception Class capable of throwing an exception constraints Hash containing constraint attributes. Keys are the $id values passed to "check_field". See Data::Validation::Constraints fields Hash containing field definitions. Keys are the $id values passed to "check_field". Each field definition can contain a space separated list of filters to apply and a space separated list of constraints. Each constraint method must return true for the value to be accepted filters Hash containing filter attributes. Keys are the $id values passed to "check_field". See Data::Validation::Filters Subroutines/Methods check_form $form = $dv->check_form( $prefix, $form ); Calls "check_field" for each of the keys in the $form hash. In the calls to "check_field" the $form keys have the $prefix prepended to them to create the key to the $fields hash check_field $value = $dv->check_field( $id, $value ); Checks one value for conformance. The $id is used as a key to the *fields* hash whose *validate* attribute contains the list of space separated constraint names. The value is tested against each constraint in turn. All tests must pass or the subroutine will use the *exception* class to *throw* an error Diagnostics None Dependencies Moose Moose::Util::TypeConstraints Data::Validation::Constraints Data::Validation::Filters Incompatibilities There are no known incompatibilities in this module Bugs and Limitations There are no known bugs in this module. Please report problems to the address below. Patches are welcome Author Peter Flanigan, "" License and Copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Peter Flanigan. All rights reserved This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE