Name Data::Validation - Check data values form conformance with constraints Version 0.1.$Rev: 30 $ Synopsis use Data::Validation; sub check_field { my ($me, $stash, $id, $val) = @_; return Data::Validation->check_field( $me, $stash->{fields}, @id, $val ); } sub check_form { my ($me, $stash, $values) = @_; return Data::Validation->check_form( $me, $stash->{fields}, $stash->{method_name}.q(_), $values ); } Description This module implements common constraints in builtin methods and uses a factory pattern to implement an extensible list of external constraints. Configuration and Environment The "$stash->{fields}" hash is passed to both "check_field" and "check_form" and is used to instantiate each validation object. The configuration keys are: validate Space separated list of validation method names. Each method must return true for the value to be accepted max_length Used by "isValidLength". The "length" of the supplied value must be numerically less than this max_value Used by "isBetweenValues". min_length Used by "isValidLength". min_value Used by "isBetweenValues". required If true then null values are not allowed regardless of what other validation would be done pattern Used by "isMathchingRegex" as the pattern to match the supplied value against. This is set by some of the builtin validation methods that then call "isMathchingRegex" to perform the actual validation value Used by the "isEqualTo" method as the other value in the comparison Subroutines/Methods new The constructor is called by "check_field" so you don't have to. If necessary it "require"s a factory subclass and calls it's "_init" method. Any additional attributes added to $self will have accessors and mutators created for them check_field Data::Validation->check_field( $error_ref, $fields, $id, $value ); Checks one value for conformance. The $id is used as a key to the $fields hash whose validate attribute contains the list of space separated constraint names. The value is tested against each constraint in turn. All tests must pass or the subroutine will use the $error_ref object to "throw" an error. check_form Data::Validation->check_form( $error_ref, $fields, $prefix, $values ); Calls "check_field" for each of the keys in the $values hash. In the calls to "check_field" the $values key has the $prefix prepended to form the key to the $fields hash. validate Called by "check_field" this method implements tests for a null input value so that individual validation methods don't have to. It calls either a built in validation method or "_validate" which should have been overridden in a factory subclass isBetweenValues Test to see if the supplied value is numerically greater than "$me->min_value" and less than "$me->max_value" isEqualTo Test to see if the supplied value is equal to "$me->value". Calls "isValidNumber" on both values to determine the type of comparison to perform isMandatory Null values are not allowed isMatchingRegex Does the supplied value match "$me->pattern"? isPrintable Is the supplied value entirely composed of printable characters? isSimpleText Simple text is defined as matching the pattern '\A [a-zA-Z0-9_ \-\.]+ \z' isValidHostname Calls "gethostbyname" on the supplied value isValidIdentifier Identifiers must match the pattern '\A [a-zA-Z_] \w* \z' isValidInteger Tests to see if the supplied value is an integer isValidLength Tests to see if the length of the supplied value is greater than "$me->min_length" and less than "$me->max_length" isValidNumber Return true if the supplied value "looks_like_number" _carp Call "Carp::carp" but delay loading module _croak Call "Carp::croak" but delay loading module _init Must return the self referential object. Allows factory subclasses to declare their own attributes whilst still having the factory create accessors and mutators _validate Should have been overridden in a factory subclass _will Tests to see if the given method is a defined subroutine External Constraints Each of these factory subclasses implement the required "_validate" method and optionally implements the "_init" method Date If the "str2time" method in the CatalystX::Usul::Class::Time module can parse the supplied value then it is deemed to be a valid date Email If the "address" method in the Email::Valid module can parse the supplied value then it is deemed to be a valid email address Password Currently implements a minimum password length of six characters and that the password contain at least one non alphabetic character Path Screen out these characters: ; & * { } and space Postcode Tests to see if the supplied value matches one of the approved patterns for a valid postcode URL Call the "request" method in LWP::UserAgent to test if a URL is accessible Diagnostics Carps warnings about unknown or bad validation methods Dependencies charnames Class::Accessor::Fast Class::Null Email::Valid Exception::Class LWP::UserAgent Readonly Regexp::Common Scalar::Util Incompatibilities There are no known incompatibilities in this module Bugs and Limitations There is no POD coverage test because the subclases docs are in here instead The Data::Validation::Date module requires the as yet unpublished module CatalystX::Usul::Class::Time and this is not listed as pre req as it would create a circular dependancy Please report problems to the address below. Patches are welcome Author Peter Flanigan, "" License and Copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Peter Flanigan. All rights reserved This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE