Name Class::Usul::Build - Module::Build methods for standalone applications Version This document describes Class::Usul::Build version v0.23.$Rev: 1 $ Synopsis use Class::Usul::Build; use MRO::Compat; my $builder = q(Class::Usul::Build); my $class = $builder->subclass( class => 'Bob', code => <<'EOB' ); sub ACTION_instal { # Spelling mistake intentional my $self = shift; $self->next::method(); # Your application specific post installation code goes here return; } EOB Description Subclasses Module::Build. Ask questions during the install phase. The answers to the questions determine where the application will be installed and which additional actions will take place. Should be generic enough for any web application ACTIONS ACTION_distmeta distmeta Updates license file and changelog ACTION_install install When called from it's subclass this method performs the sequence of actions required to install the application. Configuration options are written from the file build.json. The "actions" method returns the list of steps required to install the application ACTION_install_local_cpanm install_local_cpanm Install App::Cpanminus to the local lib ACTION_install_local_deps install_local_deps Installs dependencies to the local lib ACTION_install_local_lib install_local_lib Install local::lib locally ACTION_install_local_perl install_local_perl Install a specific Perl version to the local Perlbrew area ACTION_install_local_perlbrew install_local_perlbrew Installs Perlbrew locally ACTION_installdeps installdeps Iterates over the *requires* attributes calling CPAN each time to install the dependent module ACTION_local_archive local_archive Creates a tarball of the local lib directory ACTION_restore_local_archive restore_local_archive Unpacks an archive tarball of the local lib directory ACTION_standalone standalone Locally installs local lib and all dependencies Subroutines/Methods class_path $path = $builder->class_path( $class_name ); Returns the relative path to the specified class cli $cli = $builder->cli; Returns an instance of Class::Usul::Programs, the command line interface object cli_info $builder->cli_info( @list_of_messages ); Calls info on the client object dispatch Overloads the M::B method. Calls "_setup_plugins" then the parent method distname Turns a class name into a distribution name install_actions_class Returns the class name of the class which contains the additional actions that are performed when the application is installed make_tarball Overloads the M::B method. Changes the directory which will contain the distribution tarball then calls the parent method patch_file Runs the *patch* utility on the specified source file post_install $builder->post_install( $config ); Executes the custom post installation commands process_files $builder->process_files( $source, $destination ); Handles the processing of files other than library modules and programs. Uses the *Bob::skip_pattern* defined in the subclass to select only those files that should be processed. Copies files from source to destination, creating the destination directories as required. Source can be a single file or a directory. The destination is optional and defaults to blib process_local_files Calls "process_file" setting the source to *local* question_class Returns the class name of the class which contains the questions that are asked when the application is installed set_base_path $base = $builder->set_base_path( $config ); Uses the "$config->{style}" attribute to set the Module::Build *install_base* attribute to the base directory for this installation. Returns that path. Also sets; bin, lib, and var directory paths as appropriate. Called from ACTION_install skip_pattern $regexp = $builder->skip_pattern( $new_regexp ); Accessor/mutator method. Used by "_copy_file" to skip processing files that match this pattern. Set to false to not have a skip list update_changelog Update the version number and date/time stamp in the Changes file Private Methods _copy_file $builder->_copy_file( $source, $destination ); Called by "process_files". Copies the $source file to the $destination directory Diagnostics None Configuration and Environment Edits and stores config information in the file build.json Dependencies Class::Usul Module::Build Module::Metadata MRO::Compat Perl::Version Try::Tiny Incompatibilities There are no known incompatibilities in this module Bugs and Limitations There are no known bugs in this module. Please report problems to the address below. Patches are welcome Author Peter Flanigan, "" License and Copyright Copyright (c) 2013 Peter Flanigan. All rights reserved This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE