NAME Package::MoreUtil - Package-related utilities VERSION This document describes version 0.590 of Package::MoreUtil (from Perl distribution Package-MoreUtil), released on 2018-10-07. SYNOPSIS use Package::MoreUtil qw( package_exists list_package_contents list_package_subs list_subpackages ); print "Package Foo::Bar exists" if package_exists("Foo::Bar"); my %content = list_package_contents("Foo::Bar"); my @subnames = list_package_subs("Foo::Bar"); my @subpkg = list_subpackages("Foo::Bar"); my @allsubpkg = list_subpackages("Foo::Bar", 1); # recursive DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONS package_exists($name) => BOOL Return true if package "exists". By "exists", it means that the package has been defined by "package" statement or some entries have been created in the symbol table (e.g. "$Foo::var = 1;" will make the "Foo" package "exist"). This function can be used e.g. for checking before aliasing one package to another. Or to casually check whether a module has been loaded. list_package_contents($name) => %res Return a hash containing package contents. For example: ( sub1 => \&Foo::Bar::sub1, sub2 => \&Foo::Bar::sub2, '%h1' => \%Foo::Bar::h1, '@a1' => \@Foo::Bar::a1, ... ) This module won't list subpackages. Use list_subpackages() for that. list_package_subs($pkg) => @subnames Return a list containing subroutine names in package $pkg. list_subpackages($name[, $recursive]) => @res List subpackages, e.g.: ( "Foo::Bar::Baz", "Foo::Bar::Qux", ... ) If $recursive is true, will also list subpackages of subpackages, and so on. FAQ How to list all existing packages? You can recurse from the top, e.g.: list_subpackages("", 1); HOMEPAGE Please visit the project's homepage at . SOURCE Source repository is at . BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. SEE ALSO perlmod Package::Util (currently empty/placeholder at the time of this writing) AUTHOR perlancar COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2018, 2014, 2013 by This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.