SYNOPSIS See cpandb-meta script. DESCRIPTION CPAN::SQLite::CPANMeta accompanies CPAN::SQLite by adding information from CPAN Meta files (META.json or META.yml) in the release files. CPAN::SQLite only parses the $CPAN/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz and $CPAN/authors/01mailrc.txt.gz. From these files these information can be retrieved: package/module names, the list of authors (PAUSE ID's, names, and emails), and the list of indexed release files/tarballs. Distribution names can be guessed from the release files, but some files do not follow convention. To get more information, one will need to parse the meta files (either from *.meta files in the authors directory, or by extracting META.yml or META.json from release tarballs). This module does this and put the resulting information to a few extra database tables. Currently the information extracted/recorded are: dependencies (tables: files, deps). SEE ALSO Front-end for this module: cpandb-meta. CPAN::SQLite and its front-end cpandb. CPANDB::Generator CPANDB bills itself as a "unified database of CPAN metadata information" and is a SQLite database that contains more information about CPAN from various sources, e.g.: number of ratings from, upload date and test results from CPAN Testers, number of tickets from However, generating CPANDB locally will require downloading gigabytes of data and take hours. An online cache is available and can be used via CPANDB but you cannot control the update frequency.