# semantics3-perl Net::Semantics3 is a Perl client for accessing the Semantics3 Products API, which provides structured information, including pricing histories, for a large number of products. See https://www.semantics3.com for more information. Quickstart guide: https://www.semantics3.com/quickstart API documentation can be found at https://www.semantics3.com/docs/ ## Installation Net::Semantics3 can be installed through the CPAN: ``` $ perl -MCPAN -e "install Net::Semantics3" ``` To build and install from the latest source: ``` $ git clone git@github.com:Semantics3/semantics3-perl.git $ cd semantics3-perl $ perl Makefile.PL $ make $ make test $ make install ``` ## Requirements * LWP::UserAgent * OAuth::Lite::Consumer * JSON::XS ## Getting Started In order to use the client, you must have both an API key and an API secret. To obtain your key and secret, you need to first create an account at https://www.semantics3.com/ You can access your API access credentials from the user dashboard at https://www.semantics3.com/dashboard/applications ### Setup Work Let's lay the groundwork. ```perl use Net::Semantics3::Products; # Your Semantics3 API Credentials my $api_key = "SEM3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; my $api_secret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; # Set up a client to talk to the Semantics3 API my $sem3 = Net::Semantics3::Products->new ( api_key => $api_key, api_secret => $api_secret, ); ``` ### First Query aka 'Hello World': Let's make our first query! For this query, we are going to search for all Toshiba products that fall under the category of "Computers and Accessories", whose cat_id is 4992. ```perl # Build the query $sem3->products_field( "cat_id", 4992 ); $sem3->products_field( "brand", "Toshiba" ); # Make the query my $productsRef = $sem3->get_products(); # View the results of the query print STDERR Data::Dumper( $productsRef ); ``` ## Examples The following examples show you how to interface with some of the core functionality of the Semantics3 Products API. For even more examples check out the Quickstart guide: https://www.semantics3.com/quickstart ### Explore the Category Tree In this example we are going to be accessing the categories endpoint. We are going to be specifically exploiring the "Computers and Accessories" category, which has a cat_id of 4992. For more details regarding our category tree and associated cat_ids check out our API docs at https://www.semantics3.com/docs ```perl # Build the query $sem3->categories_field( "cat_id", 4992 ); # Make the query my $categoriesRef = $sem3->get_categories(); # View the results of the query print STDERR Data::Dumper( $categoriesRef ); ``` ### Nested Search Query You can intuitively construct all your complex queries but just repeatedly using the products_field() or add() methods. Here is how we translate the following JSON query - '{"cat_id":4992,"brand":"Toshiba","weight":{"gte":1000000,"lt":1500000},"sitedetails":{"name":"amazon.com","latestoffers":{"currency":"USD","price":{"gte":100}}}}'. This query returns all Toshiba products withing a certain weight range narrowed down to just those that retailed recently on amazon.com for >= USD 100. ```perl # Build the query $sem3->products_field( "cat_id", 4992 ); $sem3->products_field( "brand", "Toshiba" ); $sem3->products_field( "brand", "weight", "gte", 1000000 ); $sem3->products_field( "brand", "weight", "lt", 1500000 ); $sem3->products_field( "sitedetails", "name", "amazon.com" ); $sem3->products_field( "sitedetails", "latestoffers", "currency", "USD" ); $sem3->products_field( "sitedetails", "latestoffers", "price", "gte", 100 ); # Let's make a modification - say we no longer want the weight attribute $sem3->remove( "products", "brand", "weight" ); # Let's view the JSON query we just constructed. This is a good starting point to debug, if you are getting incorrect # results for your query my $constructedJson = $sem3->get_query_json(); print STDERR $constructedJson, "\n"; # Make the query my $productsRef = $sem3->get_products(); # View the results of the query print STDERR Data::Dumper( $productsRef ); ``` ### Pagination For this example, we demonstrate pagination, continuing from where we stopped previously. ```perl # Goto the next 'page' my $page = 0; while(my $productsRef = $sem3->iterate_products()) { $page++; print STDERR "We are at page = $page\n"; print STDERR "The results for this page are:\n"; print STDERR Data::Dumper( $productsRef ); } ``` ### Explore Price Histories For this example, we shall use the add() method, which allows you to access any of the supported endpoints by just specifiying the name of the endpoint. add( "products", param1, param2, ...) is the equivalent of products_field( param1, param2, ... ), add( "offers", param1, param2, ... ) is the equivalent of offers_field( param1, param2, ...) For this example, we are going to look at a particular product that is sold by select mercgants and whose price is >= USD 30 and seen after a specific date (specified as a UNIX timestamp). ```perl # Build the query $sem3->add( "offers", "sem3_id", "4znupRCkN6w2Q4Ke4s6sUC"); $sem3->add( "offers", "seller", ["ATRQ56T3H9TM5","LFleurs","Frys","Walmart"] ); $sem3->add( "offers", "currency", "USD"); $sem3->add( "offers", "price", "gte", 30); $sem3->add( "offers", "lastrecorded_at", "gte", 1348654600); # Make the query my $offersRef = $sem3->get_offers(); #Alternatively we could also do $offersRef = $sem3->get_results( "offers" ); # View the results of the query print STDERR Data::Dumper( $offersRef ); ``` ## Contributing Use GitHub's standard fork/commit/pull-request cycle. If you have any questions, email . ## Author * Sivamani VARUN ## Copyright Copyright (c) 2013 Semantics3 Inc. ## License The "MIT" License Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.