Bundle::XML - CPAN Bundle for XML modules and their dependencies Version 0.1 - 2000-02-27 Bundled by: Colin Muller To install this Bundle file locally: perl Makefile.PL make install Then, for a full list of the modules which this bundle installs, use: perldoc Bundle::XML Finally, to install the XML modules which the bundle lists: perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::XML' This bundle gathers together all of the modules in the XML directory of CPAN, along with some other XML-related modules, and (I think) all of the modules on which these depend. In this version (0.1), XML::DOM and XML::XQL are installed via hard-wired links to versions earlier than the current ones, because the current versions fail to install automatically. During the install, CPAN will attempt but fail to install the latest versions of these from libxml-enno-1.00. Ignore the errors: although this fails, XML::DOM and XML::XQL are still installed, but at the earlier versions (1.25 and 0.61 respectively). Other modules dependent on them should still work as well. At one stage during the install, you will be prompted to provide the XML::Edifact installer with some input; the installation will pause until you do so. Left out of this version (because make fails): XML::Filter::Hekeln In this version, I have ignored the fact that certain parts of certain modules require specific versions (5.005 or 5.004 or 5.003) of Perl. Sorry.