Apache::Voodoo 1.10 ================= Apache Voodoo, or just Voodoo for short is a web based application framework for Apache 1.3 and mod_perl. It's goal is to handle all the repetitious and sometimes tricky/difficult mod_perl stuff for you. By nature, it enforces a clean division of presentation (HTML), logic (your Perl code), and Apache/mod_perl. Some features include: * Abstraction of mod_perl and apache interaction away from the user's code * Separation of presentation and logic via HTML::Template * Dynamic reloading of modules upon change (bypass-able for production sites) * Automatic session management * Automatic database connection and persistence * Powerful database abstraction system via Apache::Voodoo::Table * Simple enough API that the learning curve is pretty shallow * Integrated debugging tools INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES Apache::DBI Apache::Session Config::General Email::Valid HTML::Template IPC::Shareable IPC::SharedCache Time::HiRes AUTHOR Maverick, /\/\averick@smurfbaneDOTorg COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2005 Steven Edwards. All rights reserved. You may use and distribute Voodoo under the terms described in the LICENSE file included with this package or in Apache::Voodoo::license. The summary is it's a legalese version of the Artistic License :)