================================================================================ README for Text::TagTemplate Copyright (C) 1999 SF Interactive, Inc. All rights reserved. Maintainer: Matisse Enzer Author: Jacob Davies $Id: README,v 1.5 2002/06/01 15:14:42 matisse Exp $ ================================================================================ This is the Text::TagTemplate module. It's designed to make the production of web-based applications such as CGI programs and Apache::Registry scripts easier and faster, by separating the HTML coding from the coding of the application logic. It's also designed to be flexible, to use a template interface that is simple and easy for non-programmers to understand, and to be reasonably fast. There is not much particularly web-specific about it, and indeed it may well prove useful in other application areas; however, that is the main focus of the design. There are other modules that do similar things that you may or may not be interested in: CGI::FastTemplate Text::Template Text::FillIn If you know of others, please inform me. To install this module, you should just be able to do: perl Makefile.PL make make install Once you've done that, use ``perldoc Text::TagTemplate'' for more documentation. You may be interested in looking at the example CGI application supplied in the example/ subdirectory, which demonstrates some of the functions of this module and may help you towards building your first application with it. I'd love to hear your suggestions, amendments, comments, bug reports, bug fixes, and the like. Direct them to . If you use this module in a web application, I'd also love to hear about it, particularly if the web application is also free software.