# NAME Swagger2::Markdown - convert a Swagger2 spec to various markdown formats
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# VERSION 0.09 # SYNOPSIS use strict; use warnings; use Swagger2; use Swagger2::Markdown; my $s2md = Swagger2::Markdown->new( swagger2 => Swagger2->new->load( $path_to_swagger_spec ) ); my $api_bp_str = $s2md->api_blueprint; my $markdown_str = $s2md->markdown( %pod_markdown_opts ); # DESCRIPTION This module allows you to convert a swagger specification file to API Blueprint markdown and basic markdown. Note that you may need to add `x-` values to your swagger config file to get better markdown output. # ATTRIBUTES ## swagger2 The [Swagger2](https://metacpan.org/pod/Swagger2) object, required at instantiation # METHODS ## markdown Returns a string of markdown using the [Pod::Markdown](https://metacpan.org/pod/Pod::Markdown) parser - the pod string is retrieved from the ->pod method of [Swagger2](https://metacpan.org/pod/Swagger2). As the parser is [Pod::Markdown](https://metacpan.org/pod/Pod::Markdown) you can pass in a hash of arguments that will be passed on to the [Pod::Markdown](https://metacpan.org/pod/Pod::Markdown) instantiation call: my $markdown = $s2md->markdown( %pod_markdown_opts ); ## api\_blueprint Returns a string of markdown in API Blueprint format. Because API Blueprint is more of a documentation orientated approach there are some sections that it contains that are not present in the swagger2 spec. Refer to the API Blueprint specification for the following terms: [https://github.com/apiaryio/api-blueprint/blob/master/API%20Blueprint%20Specification.md](https://github.com/apiaryio/api-blueprint/blob/master/API%20Blueprint%20Specification.md) You should add `x-api-blueprint` sections to the swagger2 config to define which format of API Blueprint output you want and to add extra summary and method documentation. The main layout of the API Blueprint file is defined as so in the top level of the swagger config file (YAML example here with defaults shown): x-api-blueprint: resource_section: method_uri action_section: method_uri attributes: false simple: false data_structures: false Possible values for resource\_section are: uri - # name_uri - # [] method_uri - # name_method_uri - # [ ] Possible values for action\_section are: method - ## name_method - ## [] name_method_uri - ## [ ] method_uri - # Possible values for `attributes` are true and false - if true the Attributes sections will be created in the API Blueprint output. Possible values for `simple` are true and false - if true then only the resource section headers will be printed. Possible values for `data_structures` are true and false - if true then only a Data Structures section will be output to show definitions, and those request or response parameters that reference those (using `$ref`) will also reference the Data Structures section. For paths needing extra documentation you can add an `x-api-blueprint` section to the path like so (again, YAML example here): paths: /message: x-api-blueprint: group: Messages summary: My Message description: | The description that will appear under the group section group_description: | The description that will appear under the resource_section header `summary` and `description` should be self explanatory, `group` will make the API Blueprint output use grouping resources format You can add examples to the parameters section of a method using `x-example`: paths: /messages: get: parameters: - in: query ... x-example: 3 # EXAMPLES See the tests in this distribution - for example t/swagger/foo.yaml will map to t/markdown/foo.md when called with ->markdown and t/api\_blueprint/foo.md when called with ->api\_blueprint. # SEE ALSO [Swagger2](https://metacpan.org/pod/Swagger2) [Pod::Markdown](https://metacpan.org/pod/Pod::Markdown) # BUGS Certainly. This has only been tested against the example markdown files on the API Blueprint github repo, and for that i had to generate the swagger files by hand. # AUTHOR Lee Johnson - `leejo@cpan.org` # LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. If you would like to contribute documentation please raise an issue / pull request: https://github.com/Humanstate/swagger2-markdown