# NAME Geo::IP2Location::Lite - Lightweight version of Geo::IP2Location with IPv4 support only
Build Status Coverage Status
# SYNOPSIS use Geo::IP2Location::Lite; my $obj = Geo::IP2Location::Lite->open( "/path/to/IP-COUNTRY.BIN" ); my $countryshort = $obj->get_country_short(""); my $countrylong = $obj->get_country_long(""); my $region = $obj->get_region(""); ... my ( $cos,$col,$reg ... ) = $obj->get_all(""); # DESCRIPTION This module is a lightweight version of Geo::IP2Location that is compatible with **IPv4** BIN files only. It fixes all the current issues against the current version of Geo::IP2Location and makes the perl more idiomatic (and thus easier to maintain). The code is also compatible with older perls ([Geo::IP2Location](https://metacpan.org/pod/Geo::IP2Location) currently only works with 5.14 and above). You should see the documentation for the original [Geo::IP2Location](https://metacpan.org/pod/Geo::IP2Location) module for a complete list of available methods, the documentation below includes **additional** methods addded by this module only. # DIFFERENCES FROM [Geo::IP2Location](https://metacpan.org/pod/Geo::IP2Location) The get\_country method has been added to get both short and long in one call: my ( $country_short,$country_long ) = $obj->get_country( $ip ); The ISO-3166 code for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has been corrected from **UK** to **GB** # SEE ALSO [Geo::IP2Location](https://metacpan.org/pod/Geo::IP2Location) http://www.ip2location.com # VERSION 0.03 # AUTHOR Forked from Geo::IP2Location by Lee Johnson `leejo@cpan.org`. If you would like to contribute documentation, features, bug fixes, or anything else then please raise an issue / pull request: https://github.com/leejo/geo-ip2location-lite # LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014 IP2Location.com All rights reserved. This package is free software; It is licensed under the GPL.