Acme-EvilLicense This module is created for demonstration purposes for a presentation at the GoOpen 2011 conference. The module provides some kick-ass functionality solving world's greatest problems, but the license terms are unreasonable and completely unexpected, though valid. INSTALLATION To install this module, run the following commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install SUPPORT AND DOCUMENTATION After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Acme::EvilLicense LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2011 Evil Hacker This program is released under the following license: evil Evil Hacker grants you a right to install this module and use it for your own non-commercial purposes. This module may only be used unmodified. No changes are permitted. You may only access the module's functionality using the defined API and you may not apply any method of customizing the module's functionality at run time. You are only allowed to install this module from CPAN. All other forms of redistribution and installation are prohibited. For using this great piece of software engineering, you shall pay the licensor a fee equal to 0.01 NOK per method invocaiton multiplied by a number of employees in your organization benefeting from this module's functionality. Monthly usage reports shall be submitted online at You shall make yourself familiar with the entire text of the license, which is available at If you do not agree to the license, you may not use this module.