NAME Dist::Zilla::Role::Version::Sanitize - Sanitize a version from a plugin VERSION version 0.002001 ATTRIBUTES "normal_form" Determines which *normal form* is used. Default is : "numify" "mantissa" Determines the mandatory length of the "mantissa" for the "numify" normal form. Default is : 6 Which yields: 1.001001 10.001001 100.001001 1000.001001 Etc. NORMAL FORMS "normal" Normalizes to the notation: v1 v1.2 v1.2.3 v1.2.3.4 "normal_3" Normalizes to the notation 1.2.3 Note: Due to the absence of the leading "v", 3, is the minimum number of places that can be represented in this notation. Accidentally normalizing to 1.2 In this form should raise a fatal exception. "numify" Normalizes to the notation 1.23456789 | ^------^--- The Mantissa | ^------------ Integer part. And the length for mantissa is forced by "mantissa", either *truncating* to "mantissa" length, or "paddding" to "mantissa" length with 0's AUTHOR Kent Fredric COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Kent Fredric . This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.