File: emacs-20.2-perlmacs-0.3.readme ################################################################## ###### CAUTION ###### CAUTION ###### CAUTION ###### CAUTION ###### ################################################################## ####### ####### ####### THIS IS ALPHA SOFTWARE. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! ####### ####### EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS CODE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE!!! ####### ####### ####### ################################################################## ###### CAUTION ###### CAUTION ###### CAUTION ###### CAUTION ###### ################################################################## WHAT ---- $CPAN/authors/id/JTOBEY/, a patch for GNU Emacs 20.2 to embed Perl 5.004. Includes module "Emacs::Lisp". WHY --- The goal is to allow Emacs modules and customization code to be written in Perl, as well as Emacs Lisp. As of this ALPHA version, not all features are implemented, documentation is incomplete, and examples are lacking. The task at hand is to discuss possible uses and interface details. Anyone want to set up a mailing list or newsgroup? Please email me if you would like to do this. HOW --- You must first install PERL VERSION 5.004. Although I have never tried it with 5.003 or 5.0045+, I doubt that it would work and am not ready to support these. Your perl must have working ExtUtils::Embed and ExtUtils::MakeMaker capabilities. If not, the configure script will exclude Perl support, and you will have essentially standard GNU Emacs. Retrieve and untar the Emacs distribution; for example: Retrieve the patch (see above). Then do cd emacs-20.2 gzip -dc ../ |perl ./configure make and, if you're the adventurous type, make install Most of the documentation is in perl/Emacs-Lisp/ and should be accessible after installation via perldoc Emacs::Lisp CAVEAT ------ This is not meant to be tried on anything other than Unix-like systems. However, if you get it to work on non-unix, I would be delighted to hear about it! Cheers, John