NAME Mojolicious::Plugin::PayPal - Make payments using PayPal VERSION 0.07 DESCRIPTION Mojolicious::Plugin::PayPal is a plugin for the Mojolicious web framework which allow you to do payments using . This module is EXPERIMENTAL. The API can change at any time. Let me know if you are using it. See also . SYNOPSIS use Mojolicious::Lite; plugin PayPal => { secret => '...', client_id => '...', }; # register a payment and send the visitor to PayPal payment terminal post '/checkout' => sub { my $c = shift; my %payment = ( amount => $c->param('amount'), description => 'Some description', ); $c->delay( sub { my ($delay) = @_; $c->paypal(register => \%payment, $delay->begin); }, sub { my ($delay, $res) = @_; return $c->render(text => "Ooops!", status => $res->code) unless $res->code == 302; # store $res->param('transaction_id'); $c->redirect_to($res->headers->location); }, ); }; # after redirected back from PayPal payment terminal get '/checkout' => sub { my $c = shift; $c->delay( sub { my ($delay) = @_; $c->paypal(process => {}, $delay->begin); }, sub { my ($delay, $res) = @_; return $c->render(text => $res->param("message"), status => $res->code) unless $res->code == 200; return $c->render(text => "yay!"); }, ); }; Transaction ID mapper You should provide a "transaction_id_mapper". Here is an example code on how to do that: $app->paypal->transaction_id_mapper(sub { my ($self, $token, $transaction_id, $cb) = @_; if($transaction_id) { eval { My::DB->store_transaction_id($token => $transaction_id); }; $self->$cb($@, $transaction_id); } else { my $transaction_id = eval { My::DB->get_transaction_id($token)); }; $self->$cb($@, $transaction_id); } }); ATTRIBUTES base_url $str = $self->base_url; This is the location to PayPal payment solution. Will be set to if the mojolicious application mode is "production" or . client_id $str = $self->client_id; The value used as username when fetching the the access token. This can be found in "Applications tab" in the PayPal Developer site. currency_code $str = $self->currency_code; The currency code. Default is "USD". transaction_id_mapper $code = $self->transaction_id_mapper; Holds a code used to find the transaction ID, after user has been redirected back from PayPal terminal page. NOTE! The default callback provided by this module does not scale and will not work in a multi-process environment, such as running under "hypnotoad" or using a load balancer. You should therefor provide your own backend solution. See "Transaction ID mapper" for example code. secret $str = $self->secret; The value used as password when fetching the the access token. This can be found in "Applications tab" in the PayPal Developer site. HELPERS paypal $self = $c->paypal; $c = $c->paypal($method => @args); Returns this instance unless any args have been given or calls one of the available "METHODS" instead. $method need to be without "_payment" at the end. Example: $c->paypal(register => { ... }, sub { my ($c, $res) = @_; # ... }); METHODS process_payment $self = $self->process_payment( $c, { token => $str, # default to $c->param("token") payer_id => $str, # default to $c->param("PayerID") }, sub { my ($self, $res) = @_; }, ); This is used to process the payment after a user has been redirected back from the PayPal terminal. See for details. register_payment $self = $self->register_payment( $c, { amount => $num, # 99.90, not 9990 redirect_url => $str, # default to current request URL # ... }, sub { my ($self, $res) = @_; }, ); The "register_payment" method is used to send the required payment details to PayPal which will later be approved by the user after being redirected to the PayPal terminal page. Useful $res values: * $res->code Set to 302 on success. * $res->param("transaction_id") Only set on success. An ID identifying this transaction. Generated by PayPal. * $res->headers->location Only set on success. This holds a URL to the PayPal terminal page, which you will redirect the user to after storing the transaction ID and other customer related details. register $app->plugin(PayPal => \%config); Called when registering this plugin in the main Mojolicious application. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2014, Jan Henning Thorsen This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0. AUTHOR Jan Henning Thorsen - "" CONTRIBUTORS Yu Pan - ""