Games::Maze version 1.04 Create Mazes as Objects. use Games::Maze; my $m1 = Games::Maze->new(dimensions => [12,7,3]); my $m2 = Games::Maze->new(dimensions => [8,5,2], cell => 'Hex'); $m1->make(); print scalar($m1->to_ascii()); $m1->solve(); print "\n\nThe Solution:\n\n", scalar($m1->to_ascii()); INSTALLATION The usual way. Unpack the archive: gzip -d Games-Maze-1.04.tar.gz tar xvf Games-Maze-1.04.tar This package now uses Module::Build, and the Build.PL script but you can still use Makefile.PL, which is provided. Go to the resulting directory, and type: perl Makefile.PL make Run the tests: make test Install the module: make install Alternatively, you can use Build.PL: perl Build.PL Build Run the tests: Build test Install the module: Build install COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (c) 2012 John M. Gamble. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.