Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA is an XS perl module designed to provide basic RSA functionality. It does this by providing a glue to the RSA functions in the openSSL library. In particular, it provides the following functions: loadPublicKey, loadPrivateKey - load a key from a string getPublicKeyString, getPrivateKeyString - save a key to a string generateKey - make a new key encypt, decrypt, sign, verify, use_pkcs1_oaep_padding, use_pkcs1_padding, use_sslv23_padding, use_no_padding use_md5_hash, use_sha1_hash, use_ripemd160_hash size - Returns the size, in bytes, of the key. checkKey - checks the validity of a key. Bugs: There is a small memory leak when generating new keys of more than 512 bits. The openssl functions RSA_public_decrypt, RSA_private_decrypt are not yet implemented. There is no support for encrypting text larger than the key-size. There is no Crypt::CBC support.