NAME YAML2 - Next Generation YAML Tools For Perl DESCRIPTION YAML2 is a backwards compatible rewrite of When YAML2 is done and stable, the code will be duplicated as, and YAML2 will be deprecated. At that point, you can simply "s/YAML2/YAML/g" in your code, and everything will work out. YAML2 includes pure Perl code and Extensions of libyaml. NOTE: This implementation now has a rudimentary binding to libyaml (YAML2::LibYaml) that seems to work for plain hashes, arrays and scalars. This should cover all of JSON since JSON is a strict subset of YAML. AUTHOR Ingy döt Net COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2007. Ingy döt Net. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See