Welcome to HTML::Widgets::Menu. INSTALATION perl Makefile.PL make make install NAME HTML::Widgets::Menu - Builds an HTML menu SYNOPSIS use HTML::Widgets::Menu; my $main=HTML::Widgets::Menu->new( home => "/users/frankie/", format => { default=>{ # default format options # }, 0=>{ #level 0 format options# } # more levels }, menu=> [ item1=>{ url=>"url for item 1", menu=>[ item1_1=>'url for item 1_1' ] }, item2=>"url for item 2" # more items ] ); my ($menu)=$main->show(); <% $menu %> DESCRIPTION This module will help you build a menu for your HTML site. You can use with CGI or any mod_perl module. I use it from Mason. Every time you request to show a menu it will return the HTML tags. It's smart enough it will highlight the current active items. This software is in a very early stage. It works fine for me and is used in production sites. You can send me patches, bugs or suggestions. I'm not likely to answer your questions. This software is provided as is and you're using it at your own risk. You agree to use it with the same license of perl itself. Drawing a menu is a matter of : - the items of the menu - the format you want it to have You also must supply the home directory for all the web you want to add this menu. ITEMS The items is a list. For example, a simple menu could be: my @menu=( homepage =>'.', "my links" =>"links.html" ); You can add levels of depth to the menu: my @menu=( homepage => '.', "my links=>{ url=>"links/", menu=>[ perl =>"perl_link.html", "movies I like"=>'movies.html' ], about=>"about.html" ); For every level you add instead of the url you must supply a reference to a hash with the url and the menu. Now you can get this menu printed without any format at all. my $main=HTML::Widgets::Menu(menu=>\@menu,home=>"/users/frankie/"); my ($menu)=$main->show(); Later insert $menu in your page. With Mason I'd do: <% $menu %> If the url of the item is only the name of a directory (the final / is not necessary), the path is added to the submenu. For the example above you must write the files: index.html links/index.html links/perl_link.thml links/movies.html about.html The format is the way you tell how to show the items of the menu It's a hash where you define the options. There should be a default entry and numbered entries for every level, starting with 0. Options available (with defaults): max_depth => 1, # max number of depth if items are not active start => '', #html to put at the start of the level end => '', #html to add at the end of the level font=>'', active_item_start => '', active_item_end => '', inactive_item_start => '', inactive_item_end => '', text_placeholder => '', # example: <text> ------ ------ link_args=>'', # put javascript options here or other args # for the 1, # pixels for the indentation Example: my %format={ default=>{ max_depth=>2, font=>"\n", active_item_start=>"", active_item_end=>"\n", indent=>20 }, 0=>{ inactive_item_start=>"", inactive_item_end=>"", text_placeholder=>".gif\".gif>", link_args=>"onmouseover='javascript thingie'", }, 1=>{ indent=>10 } }; Try it like this: my ($main)=HTML::Widgets::Menu->new( format=>\%format, menu=>\@menu, home=>"/users/frankie"); When you want to request the html that shows the menu you must call the show funcion. It will build it using home, format and menu. The final links will always be related to the current URL. The show function also returns a usefull thing: the active items of the menu. In the former example if the user is in the url: "movies.html" it will return a reference to a list like this: "my_links"=>"links" "movies I like "=>"links/movies.html" so you can know the path of the currem item. Now you can add the keys of it to the title for example. % my ($menu,$active)=$main->show(); <% $menu %> AUTHOR Francesc Guasch-Ortiz frankie@etsetb.upc.es SEE ALSO perl(1). mod_perl