NAME Math::Round::Var - Variations on rounding. SYNOPSIS use Math::Round::Var; my $rnd = Math::Round::Var->new($scheme); $num = $rnd->round($num); DESCRIPTION This module gives you the ability to round numbers to either decimal or fractional precision. AUTHOR Eric L. Wilhelm ewilhelm at sbcglobal dot net COPYRIGHT This module is copyright (C) 2003 by Eric L. Wilhelm. LICENSE This module is distributed under the same terms as Perl. See the Perl source package for details. You may use this software under one of the following licenses: (1) GNU General Public License (found at (2) Artistic License (found at CHANGES 0.01 First public release Front-End Constructor The Math::Round::Var::new() function only decides between the two sub-packages based on the format of your precision argument. This is the extent of the purpose of the Math::Round::Var class. new Math::Round::Var->new($precision); format_of Returns "decimal" or "fraction" for $type based on the format of $precision. If $type is "decimal", then $count will be the number of digits to use. my ($type, $count) = format_of($precision); Valid formats should be any of the number formats which are used by Perl. Basically, the 'fraction' methods will work for anything (as long as Perl can divide by it), but we would be wasting time if we only want to round to a certain decimal place. Fractional Formats: 0.125 0.00007 2 2.885 Decimal Formats: 0.0000001 1.0e-10 Decimal-based rounding new Creates a new decimal-based rounding object. Math::Round::Var::Float->new(precision => 7); The argument to precision is the number of digits to use in rounding. This is used as part of a sprintf() format. round $number = $rounder->round($number); Fraction-based rounding. new Math::Round::Var::Fraction->new(); round $number = $rounder->round($number);