# NAME DateTime::Format::Strptime - Parse and format strp and strf time patterns # VERSION version 1.70 # SYNOPSIS use DateTime::Format::Strptime; my $strp = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new( pattern => '%T', locale => 'en_AU', time_zone => 'Australia/Melbourne', ); my $dt = $strp->parse_datetime('23:16:42'); $strp->format_datetime($dt); # 23:16:42 # Croak when things go wrong: my $strp = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new( pattern => '%T', locale => 'en_AU', time_zone => 'Australia/Melbourne', on_error => 'croak', ); # Do something else when things go wrong: my $strp = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new( pattern => '%T', locale => 'en_AU', time_zone => 'Australia/Melbourne', on_error => \&phone_police, ); # DESCRIPTION This module implements most of `strptime(3)`, the POSIX function that is the reverse of `strftime(3)`, for `DateTime`. While `strftime` takes a `DateTime` and a pattern and returns a string, `strptime` takes a string and a pattern and returns the `DateTime` object associated. # METHODS This class offers the following methods. ## DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(%args) This methods creates a new object. It accepts the following arguments: - pattern This is the pattern to use for parsing. This is required. - time\_zone The default time zone to use for objects returned from parsing. - zone\_map Some time zone abbreviations are ambiguous (e.g. PST, EST, EDT). By default, the parser will die when it parses an ambiguous abbreviation. You may specify a `zone_map` parameter as a hashref to map zone abbreviations however you like: zone_map => { PST => '-0800', EST => '-0600' } Note that you can also override non-ambiguous mappings if you want to as well. - locale The locale to use for objects returned from parsing. - on\_error This can be one of `'undef'` (the string, not an `undef`), 'croak', or a subroutine reference. - 'undef' This is the default behavior. The module will return `undef` on errors. The error can be accessed using the `$object->errmsg` method. This is the ideal behaviour for interactive use where a user might provide an illegal pattern or a date that doesn't match the pattern. - 'croak' The module will croak with an error message on errors. - sub{...} or \\&subname When given a code ref, the module will call that sub on errors. The sub receives two parameters: the object and the error message. If your sub does not die, then the formatter will continue on as if `on_error` was `'undef'`. ## $strptime->parse\_datetime($string) Given a string in the pattern specified in the constructor, this method will return a new `DateTime` object. If given a string that doesn't match the pattern, the formatter will croak or return undef, depending on the setting of `on_error` in the constructor. ## $strptime->format\_datetime($datetime) Given a `DateTime` object, this methods returns a string formatted in the object's format. This method is synonymous with `DateTime`'s strftime method. ## $strptime->locale This method returns the locale passed to the object's constructor. ## $strptime->pattern This method returns the pattern passed to the object's constructor. ## $strptime->time\_zone This method returns the time zone passed to the object's constructor. ## $strptime->errmsg If the on\_error behavior of the object is 'undef', you can retrieve error messages with this method so you can work out why things went wrong. # EXPORTS These subs are available as optional exports. ## strptime( $strptime\_pattern, $string ) Given a pattern and a string this function will return a new `DateTime` object. ## strftime( $strftime\_pattern, $datetime ) Given a pattern and a `DateTime` object this function will return a formatted string. # STRPTIME PATTERN TOKENS The following tokens are allowed in the pattern string for strptime (parse\_datetime): - %% The % character. - %a or %A The weekday name according to the given locale, in abbreviated form or the full name. - %b or %B or %h The month name according to the given locale, in abbreviated form or the full name. - %c The datetime format according to the given locale. - %C The century number (0-99). - %d or %e The day of month (01-31). This will parse single digit numbers as well. - %D Equivalent to %m/%d/%y. (This is the American style date, very confusing to non-Americans, especially since %d/%m/%y is widely used in Europe. The ISO 8601 standard pattern is %F.) - %F Equivalent to %Y-%m-%d. (This is the ISO style date) - %g The year corresponding to the ISO week number, but without the century (0-99). - %G The 4-digit year corresponding to the ISO week number. - %H The hour (00-23). This will parse single digit numbers as well. - %I The hour on a 12-hour clock (1-12). - %j The day number in the year (1-366). - %m The month number (01-12). This will parse single digit numbers as well. - %M The minute (00-59). This will parse single digit numbers as well. - %n Arbitrary whitespace. - %N Nanoseconds. For other sub-second values use `%[number]N`. - %p or %P The equivalent of AM or PM according to the locale in use. See [DateTime::Locale](https://metacpan.org/pod/DateTime::Locale). - %r Equivalent to %I:%M:%S %p. - %R Equivalent to %H:%M. - %s Number of seconds since the Epoch. - %S The second (0-60; 60 may occur for leap seconds. See [DateTime::LeapSecond](https://metacpan.org/pod/DateTime::LeapSecond)). - %t Arbitrary whitespace. - %T Equivalent to %H:%M:%S. - %U The week number with Sunday the first day of the week (0-53). The first Sunday of January is the first day of week 1. - %u The weekday number (1-7) with Monday = 1. This is the `DateTime` standard. - %w The weekday number (0-6) with Sunday = 0. - %W The week number with Monday the first day of the week (0-53). The first Monday of January is the first day of week 1. - %x The date format according to the given locale. - %X The time format according to the given locale. - %y The year within century (0-99). When a century is not otherwise specified (with a value for %C), values in the range 69-99 refer to years in the twentieth century (1969-1999); values in the range 00-68 refer to years in the twenty-first century (2000-2068). - %Y A 4-digit year, including century (for example, 1991). - %z An RFC-822/ISO 8601 standard time zone specification. (For example \+1100) \[See note below\] - %Z The timezone name. (For example EST -- which is ambiguous) \[See note below\] - %O This extended token allows the use of Olson Time Zone names to appear in parsed strings. **NOTE**: This pattern cannot be passed to `DateTime`'s `strftime()` method, but can be passed to `format_datetime()`. # AUTHOR EMERITUS This module was created by Rick Measham. # SEE ALSO `datetime@perl.org` mailing list. http://datetime.perl.org/ [perl](https://metacpan.org/pod/perl), [DateTime](https://metacpan.org/pod/DateTime), [DateTime::TimeZone](https://metacpan.org/pod/DateTime::TimeZone), [DateTime::Locale](https://metacpan.org/pod/DateTime::Locale) # BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to `bug-datetime-format-strptime@rt.cpan.org`, or through the web interface at [http://rt.cpan.org](http://rt.cpan.org). I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. Bugs may be submitted through [https://github.com/houseabsolute/DateTime-Format-Strptime/issues](https://github.com/houseabsolute/DateTime-Format-Strptime/issues). There is a mailing list available for users of this distribution, [mailto:datetime@perl.org](mailto:datetime@perl.org). I am also usually active on IRC as 'autarch' on `irc://irc.perl.org`. # DONATIONS If you'd like to thank me for the work I've done on this module, please consider making a "donation" to me via PayPal. I spend a lot of free time creating free software, and would appreciate any support you'd care to offer. Please note that **I am not suggesting that you must do this** in order for me to continue working on this particular software. I will continue to do so, inasmuch as I have in the past, for as long as it interests me. Similarly, a donation made in this way will probably not make me work on this software much more, unless I get so many donations that I can consider working on free software full time (let's all have a chuckle at that together). To donate, log into PayPal and send money to autarch@urth.org, or use the button at [http://www.urth.org/~autarch/fs-donation.html](http://www.urth.org/~autarch/fs-donation.html). # AUTHORS - Dave Rolsky - Rick Measham # CONTRIBUTORS - Christian Hansen - D. Ilmari Mannsåker - key-amb # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2015 - 2016 by Dave Rolsky. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)